
Crofthead Biogas

Crofthead Biogas Anaerobic Digestion Facility processes up to 100,000 tonnes of slurries, cattle manure, energy crops and dairy residues and generates 8MWh electrical power equivalent of gas. This produces CO₂ which we capture after it is upgraded to biomethane. Our proprietary technology and processes then convert this into dry ice – a critical commodity in many industries from pharmaceuticals to food.

This facility is Scotland’s only dry ice manufacturing plant, with it being used across the UK. We are helping Crofthead reach its net zero goals.

Crofthead Farm, Dumfries

CO₂ Capture Rate:

Date of Launch:
July 2022

Carbon Destination:
Carbon utilised as dry ice.

Partners & Stakeholders:
Iona Capital
H&C Consultancy
Nippon Gasses
SLR Consulting

Thank you to South of Scotland Enterprise for the video footage used on this page.


North British Distillery