Carbon Capture Scotland Wins Government Contract for Quality Removal Credits 

We are excited to announce that we have been awarded a significant contract by the Danish Energy Agency under the NECCS fund. This contract underscores our commitment to delivering high integrity carbon removal credits and advancing our carbon capture and removal capabilities. 

Contract Details and Goals: Starting in 2026, we will capture and store 4,650 tonnes of biogenic CO2 annually until the end of the contract period in 2032. This initiative is part of our broader effort to develop carbon removal projects that not only reduce atmospheric CO2 but also ensure that the CO2 captured is from biogenic sources—such as the decomposition, fermentation, or combustion of organic matter. Our focus on biogenic CO2 is essential for producing carbon removal credits that truly contribute to climate change mitigation. 

High Integrity Carbon Removal Credits: The integrity of carbon removal credits is paramount at Carbon Capture Scotland. We are committed to providing credits that offer verifiable and permanent solutions to CO2 emissions. Our approach aligns with upcoming EU carbon legislation, ensuring that our credits meet the highest standards of quality and permanence. This commitment is crucial for companies aiming to achieve net-zero targets and for supporting global climate goals. 

Strategic Impact of the Contract: The contract with the Danish Energy Agency not only highlights the trust and recognition of our technology and delivery capabilities but also propels us forward in our mission to offer market-leading solutions in carbon removal. By focusing on high-quality engineered carbon removal, we are setting new industry standards and driving innovation within the sector. 

Conclusion: This new contract is a milestone for Carbon Capture Scotland, reinforcing our role as a leader in the development of high integrity carbon removal credits. We’re looking forward to the commencement of this project and are eager to continue our work towards a cleaner, more sustainable future. Join us and follow our journey as we advance towards achieving meaningful impact on removing CO2 from the atmosphere and helping to reduce the effects of climate change. 

More details can be found here: 


EU Carbon Legislation Newsflash: Day 3 of 3